
Doctors, engineers, sales executives, students: people in all walks of life have quickly become used to taking their personal and social lives with them wherever they go. And, with the massive adoption of tablet computers and smartphones, people now have the same expectations of their professional lives, whether or not there is a formal corporate mobility strategy in place.

Our Services In this category:-

  • Enterprise Mobility Solution.
  • The Mobility Rollout Outlook.

The Mobility rollout outlook is a clearly defined process which guides you through the technical, security and policy aspects you must consider when forming your own BYOD and mobility strategy.

We facilitate dialogues between the different groups that need to be involved, and we guide you through the design and implement phases. We help you to not only meet your increasing user expectations, but to create real business benefits too.

There are 6 key aspects to this Rollout framework:

  • Business Use Case – identify business and employee outcomes.
  • Policy – define the rules that make mobility beneficial and secure.
  • Network – right-size capacity to ensure a secure, rich mobile experience.
  • Device – make sure your users can make the most of their devices.
  • Applications – evolve, transition or transform your mobile application and data Environment.
  • Services – support a new mobile workforce with new cloud and managed services. Our consultative approach enables all of this, and makes sure it is aligned to measurable business outcomes. You benefit from faster decision-making, higher service levels and a better bottom line.

So why isn’t everyone leaping in?

Mainly it’s because of perceived risk around policy, costs and security in what is, after all, new territory for many people.

But it isn’t new to VSN

We’re already helping organizations embrace mobility by taking a highly practical, consultative approach.

The business benefits of working with us on Mobility Rollout Outlook:

  • Access to corporate services from any mobile device
  • Improved user experience
  • Higher productivity and efficiency to work from anywhere
  • Secure management of company data